I wanted to take a minute to send out a quick update on the weather and snow levels in our area to give our guests an idea of what the fishing season is looking like for 2019.

So far winter has had a strong impact on the southern part of the state and our snowpack levels are close to normal for this time of the year. Right now the Upper Rio Grande River Basin is currently 85% of average. We are at 53% of our peak snowpack so far for the season, so the storms need to keep coming. Snowfall levels normally peak around the first part of April, so there’s still plenty of time to make grade on our averages.

In relation to last year, we are currently at the peak level of snow we had for the entire winter of 2018. That’s comforting to know because its 2 months earlier than last season and over 240% more snow currently, leaving us plenty of winter left to accumulate more snow for the high country. We are still behind the trends from 2016 and 2017 but not far off.